Бросаю никотиновую продукциюГде никотин вреднее?
Зависимость от никотина
Курение это вредно? А жить тоже вредно?
Как вы реагируете на снюс? И как заставить друга бросить снюс?
Is snus harmful?
Is snus harmful? I want to try.
I am a king
Harmful (will corrode the lip and stomach)
Pafnutiy Seleverstich
of course harmful
tetris tet
Snus is a sublingual tobacco that burns through the oral mucosa and burns through the throat.
ttytr efrfrrrf
Well, in general, any drug is harmful, both financially and physically) Although it's easy to jump off snus)
Julia Gordeeva
In one serving of snus, the concentration of nicotine is 5 times higher than the dose contained in a cigarette. Accordingly, a person gets used to chewing tobacco much faster than to cigarettes. However, in terms of harm to others, the danger from cigarettes will be more significant. After all, a smoker exhales smoke, which contains more than 600 carcinogens.
Почему так все ругают снюс если он менее вреден чем сигареты