Что меньше причинит вред здоровью?Чем вреден снюс для организма
Обычные сигареты, снюс, вейп или джоинт? Что вреднее?
Сам по себе никонин ведь безобиден? С научной точки зрения снюс безвреднее курения сигарет?
Коронки и снюс
Alyvia Camden
What should I do?? I'm confused. Read below.
The situation is this. I have a classmate, we are friends so-so, but we are friends. Recently in class, I saw her take something small and dark out of her briefcase, something that looked like chocolate. I asked what it was, but her answer just killed me "snus", nicotine, or smokeless tobacco, which is put under the gum and there it dissolves and enters the body. But the problem is that she is now not only addicted to the drug, but she is only 15 years old! 15 YEARS!!! I just don't know what to do. I remember how it was before and how it has deteriorated now. I don't know: tell her parents or a teacher who cares about the health of students or leave a friend with her problems and not interfere??
Diana Kharitonova
Talk to her first
Remind me of the need for contraception.
gr. Hands Up everyone loves. /
adults need to be told.
flexsaiber1337 Mark
this is her life and she decides what to smoke, what to "throw", there is no need to decide something for her and spoil her relationship with her parents, why even tell someone? She's not bothering you in any way, so why tell anyone?
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