Чем подлечить раздражённую слизистую от приёма снюсакак бросить кидать снюс?
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Snus. Switched to snus to get off cigarettes. Quit smoking, now how to quit snus?
Replace snus with mineral water
It's easy - you put on a backpack and a guide to the taiga for a month - the farther you wander the better. All in all, not smoking for two weeks and I don’t feel like it for a moment - but I can survive these two weeks without smoking - It’s a Full Ass - That’s why I need to go to the Taiga for a month with one pack of cigarettes.
What is SNUS?
loran kan
Start smoking.
Nicorete patches are essentially the same when you went from cigarettes (high harm) to snus (moderate), i.e. switching from snus (moderate) to nicorete patches (very weak), and then just reduce the number of patches every week. Let's say you sculpted 1 patch every day, after a week every 2 days (believe it's easy), after another 1 week 1 time per week, then generally 1 patch per month, after a month you just stop and switch, let's say, to your favorite hobby, not even remember how to smoke. By the way, after a year of NOT using nicotine, all organs will return to normal and, in fact, you will restore health by about 70-80%.
snus shitty theme
Che, quit?
Bogdan Kamyshev
Do you want lip cancer? No? Then think with your head, do you want it yourself ....
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