Is nikonin itself harmless? Is snus scientifically safer than smoking cigarettes?


Is nikonin itself harmless? Is snus scientifically safer than smoking cigarettes?
At the same time, at the moment there is no convincing evidence of an association between the use of snus and the development of tumors of the oral cavity, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, prostate and lungs[11][2][6]. In separate studies, there is an increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer [16]: up to 8.8 per 100,000 people versus 3.3 per 100,000 among non-users of tobacco [17]. However, in other cases[11] no such connection is found. Several studies have linked snus with a slightly higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, mainly coronary heart disease and hypertension[2], but these findings are not supported by other studies[2][12][6][18]. There is also no evidence that the use of snus contributes to strokes and damage to the peripheral parts of the circulatory system [6]. Biochemical data do not support the involvement of snus in the development of atherosclerosis [14]. There is no evidence that snus increases the likelihood of developing chronic respiratory diseases, so characteristic of smokers[2]. Data on an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus are contradictory, such a relationship can be traced in some works, but rejected by others [2]. Researchers note that many scientific works devoted to snus do not take into account related factors, such as alcohol consumption, education level, standard of living, occupational hazards, etc.[2][14]. This can affect the correctness of conclusions both in favor of snus and in the opposite direction. In any case, all researchers of this issue agree that the risk from snus use is significantly less than the risk from smoking [2][6][10]. It should also be noted that most population-based studies look at the effects of snus use over decades, and it is known that in recent years the content of harmful substances in snus has been reduced[19][2]. At the same time, it is impossible to draw a final conclusion about the degree of danger of snus, researchers only pay attention to the fact that at the moment there is little evidence that indicates that snus causes life-threatening diseases [2].


Captain obvious
Nicotine is a poison produced by plants to repel rodents. Getting into the human body, the poison causes an increase in immune processes, from which the person himself feels “better”, “more cheerful”. However, the process of smoking is not only poisoning with poison, but also a chemical burn of the oral mucosa. In response to this, cancer cells begin to develop in the tissues of the mucosa. In addition to nicotine, there are many harmful tars in the smoke, which also poison the body.


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