What ways do you know to quit smoking?


What ways do you know to quit smoking?
We have developed a new filter with a liquid-containing capsule, which will improve the filtration of poisons from tobacco tenfold. And now we are thinking whether this will be an effective way to combat the harm from smoking ... After all, 1.5 billion people cannot be forced to stop smoking at once. Or maybe you will suggest an ideal way that we can promote together? ! Please tell us about your experience of quitting smoking, and best of all, do it on the blog of the filter project, there are still very interesting judgments, including about the Norwegian SNUS. And how to make the world not smoke at all.


tatiana maximova
dunk a cigarette in milk, and dry it, and then take at least a couple of puffs, it will become disgusting that you don’t want to anymore !!!!

Andrey Grigoriev
willpower other ways - just a replacement for a habit or a way to get distracted

Porcelain Akira
You just take it and one day you quit smoking. The main thing is to do it suddenly for yourself. And then when you think a lot in terms of - right now, now, tomorrow morning, not a single cigarette. Nothing comes out.

Yerzhan Shadayev
once specifically smoke those cigarettes that you like, well, 3-5 pieces will be visible there and you won’t touch them anymore

Pull yourself together and firmly say NO to yourself.

Replace the cigarette with something else, Its work!

I myself quit during curative fasting - it turned out naturally. But my boss just said "no" and quit. It's been 6 years now.

Domna Ivantseva
see here http://twY7z:aNq@z.pe/heZ/o2Dr3.html

Little Hooligan
Allen Carr or Nicorette

Read the book - Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"

Constantine Moon
I don't think there will be demand for the filter. It is possible that this filter will filter out all the poisons, but the question is, will the smoker like this filtered smoke? :-))) It's like promoting non-alcoholic beer as an effective means of combating alcoholism. And there are many ways to quit smoking. When choosing a way to quit smoking, one will think about the diversity of people, their individuality in their manifestations, and therefore require their own, special ways to quit smoking. But I will say that all this diversity of people has 1 head, 1 body and 4 limbs, which is found even in animals. And I know that all people have 4 blood groups and strict biochemical blood constants, beyond which there is illness and death. And this applies to everyone. It is always possible to designate some general boundaries, one can realize special laws that prevent our reality from turning into some kind of fantasy. That is, THERE SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD CURRENTLY. Everything for quitters - on the site "How to quit smoking for the hundredth time, but forever" (type in the search engine the name of the site, which is in quotation marks). Nothing extra. Only answers to the questions "HOW?" In the mailing list archive for July, read an interesting article "The best way to quit smoking"

Alina Ustyuzhaninova
Mdaa .... people create problems for themselves .... In order not to quit, it was not necessary to start !! ! All the best!!!

faith in Jesus Christ, in His sacrifice on the cross.


Что будет если...
Моя девушка курит.
Очень тошнит от снюса
чем вреден снюс-бездымный табак????
Придумал себе альтернативу табаку. Травы под губу) Будет ли от нее вред мне?

Курительный табак либо жевательный?
А если курить хочется до слез на второй день, может одну покурить? что делать, с ума сходить? Так до дурки недалеко!
Существует ли непереносимость никотина, электронных сигарет ?
Подскажите что вреднее
Что вреднее: СНЮС, КАЛЬЯН или системы НАГРЕВАНИЯ ТАБАКА?

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