Где заказать снюс в телеграмме?Частое употребление снюса
Что делать если,
НЕ могу понять что делать с акне ? чистка с солярием поможет ?
Как вы реагируете на снюс? И как заставить друга бросить снюс?
Igor Egorov
I can not understand what to do with acne? Will cleaning with a solarium help?
In general, hello, I’ve been fighting this for 3 years now, for 20 years now, at 17 I appeared I tried light methods in the genus: tonics, foams (washers), masks, etc., at 18 I switched to ointments: clearvin, bazaron, livomikol, etc. do not remember the name of all but you can say analogues. At the age of 19, I went to a dermatologist, she prescribed detox tablets for me, I drank them, the effect was not very good (it always comes in waves, then a strong rash, then a decline), I came to her again and said about some antibiotics that you need to drink for half a year and you can’t drink alcohol at all and it’s expensive and antibiotics seem to spoil the microflora in the body (immune), so during these three years I tried several children (2 months long and generally excluded (sugar, milk, soda, flour) quit smoking first 4 months later for half a year and now from rarely ashkudishki only lib snus) SO WHAT IS THE QUESTION please tell me about facial cleansing, so I understand there are many types and the results in the photo before and after are cool, that and I xs what else to do, what facial cleansing would you recommend ? And I heard about Solaris (that it can help too) who knows reel?
Have you tried going to beauty salons? They even have special equipment for this. All sorts of devices. Even liquid nitrogen. I have a good friend, when he was a teenager, he went to a beautician. So she was the only one who helped him.
Facial cleansing gives a temporary cosmetic effect, but will not cure. Go to a dermatologist and do normal treatment.
When you eat or drink something very harmful, there is diarrhea and vomiting. If you regularly eat something not very harmful, inflammatory processes occur and excess rubbish comes out with pus. Less sugar, bakery and meat. More fresh fruits and vegetables (except potatoes). The fastest way to help a diet of raw vegetables.
purge gives a temporary effect. you need to find a competent dermatologist and choose an internal treatment. Plus, it won’t be superfluous to drink Polysorb, so that the body cleanses, it’s better with a course
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