История внутри история внутриЧем заменить сигареты?
Как бросить снюс?
Попробовал снюс. Тошнит.
Что делать, если не вставляет снюс, а бросать не хочется
How to quit smoking?
I smoke for 2-3 years, with breaks and a couple of cigarettes a day. There was a transition to snus, then back. How to quit smoking at home?
Vitaly Rybkin
It's easier in prison
There is not
nothing if the body does not want, does not tell
I quit at 23, I don't smoke sober at all.
Vladimir Sampsonov
..I don't know... I need packs.. enough for 2 months..!!
Viktor Kubrakov
A couple of cigarettes a day is not smoking, and it should not be addictive. So the question is, like, how do you stop being the tough guy with the cigarette? Answer: The cool ones don't smoke now, the suckers do.
Кинул грязный пак снюса