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Сам по себе никонин ведь безобиден? С научной точки зрения снюс безвреднее курения сигарет?
друзья, выскочила какая то фигня под верхней губой, похожа на мозоль.
Zlay Mi❤
Former drug addict. What is the likelihood that he will recover?
It is registered (in the PDN of the police for a youngster). Now he is 18. Do you think he is lying? And he also takes light drugs, such as snus, nasvay. When we met and I found out about it, I told him to quit it, and he told me “yes, I’ll quit”, “everything will be ok”. Didn't quit. Left with this addiction + gamer (zadrot). What is the likelihood that this will be corrected? Who do you think is to blame for this, what is he like? After parting, I, if anything, found out that he was a gamer (because of the game and drugs, they parted, TC I was tired of all this) and a light schizo? Will people like him get better? Can he get hooked on heavier ones? I didn’t offer all this crap, except for the boiling of brains, that you don’t play a game with me, because of this there were scandals. Rel was 6 months, 3 months have passed since the breakup.
Winter Samurai
Too lazy to read. One of my friends is a former heroin addict, but he really did reform. Normal guy. Only he is generally alone, therefore ... I feed sometimes, I let him sleep at my place. He has me! You people condemn such people yourself, but there is no help from you. You are worse than these people at times! Although I have known him for more than ten years, I believe him and I am his brother in general. Who the hell will feed him, who the hell will say important words, where the hell did he see attention to himself .. don't give a shit about him ....
If he is a former, then he has already corrected himself.
He wants to get better, he doesn't want to get better. What do you want? You broke up, you have nothing to do, you are worried about the former?
He will never change in his life. The info has stood the test of time.
There is a chance
Svetlana Tikhomirova
Why the hell did nasvay and snus suddenly become drugs :D Didn't he have an overdose of catnip?
Goblin Goblinovich.
Give it to him. I live for you. You will be gone and I will die. Give it to him.
Hamster In Dandelions
He has no mind, he will not improve.
You have no chance, and the offspring will be sick.!!, Do you need it!?
There are no former drug addicts. The question is - why do you not love yourself, do not respect yourself, you have such low self-esteem that you are ready to be in a relationship with such a person addicted to drugs and computer games? You understand that this is a very serious disease and a person cannot be cured without his desire. Why so many drug treatment centers, if it could be cured. The centers only bring drug addicts out of difficult conditions, but as soon as they feel a little better, they go back to their old ways. This is a person lost to society. Then he will embark on the path of theft in order to get his dose and will then wander around the prisons. Do you need it? Stop playing lifeguard, here doctors can’t do anything with drug addicts, and your requests and prohibitions are up to one place. Who are you spending your life on???
Holy holy Sympo
Very small probability. since all methods leave a chance for failure, but there is the newest Nenorma method, it is absolutely free and suitable for everyone. This method helped us, we are still satisfied with the result.
Что вредней 1 нюхательный табак или 2 снюс (жевательный)?