Выбор жизненного пути. Мне нужен свежий взгляд на все это.Люди добрые помогите
Без никотина болит голова
Вредна ли система нагревания табака, вейп, снюс и т. д.?
Что вреднее: СНЮС, КАЛЬЯН или системы НАГРЕВАНИЯ ТАБАКА?
Micha Morty
What will happen if you throw the strongest snus casta mint all your life 101 mg
From the age of 14 I have been throwing snus casta mint 101 mg, which I am now 17, I can’t stop breaking already for 1 day when there is no snus. What will become of me in time
maria maria
Do you really need to heal?
lip cancer
It's not hard to get rid of this crap. It's just boring without it.
Alexander Motador
Nothing, nothing at all.
OboiRF Deluxe
Nicotine is absorbed through the skin, and thanks to what? Thanks to alkali, and still, micro doses enter the stomach. And every time, little by little, stomach cancer is obtained. Better cigarettes or a steam room
Vorkuta Bananchik
Replace snus with another habit) For example, do you want to quit? Chew mint gum and throw the gum under the buzz that you threw) And it will be delicious and you will not stink! BUT also do not forget that chewing gum is HARMFUL) Good luck, respectfully Vorkuta Bananchik.
Turn into a snus-eater
Marat Faritov
switch to electronic subsystems or cigarettes, it's better than getting lip cancer
Почему так все ругают снюс если он менее вреден чем сигареты