Помогите бросить снюскак бросить кидать снюс
Бросил никотин, появился дискомфорт в сердце
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На каком сайте можно купить снюс с доставкой по россии? (Бросаю с ним курить)
anon fox
How to quit nicotine? If...
Hello, I faced such a problem, I gave up snus 1.5 months ago. Especially breaking nebylo, and now, after these 1.5 months, a terrible breaking began thoughts were only about him and I could not stand it. I feel like an animal. Do you have such experience and how to deal with it? The Internet says that by this time there should be no breaking. I will be glad to advice.
Fill your mouth with something better than nicotine. Ice cream or juice
Aslan Aliyev
I threw nasvay, but I was lucky, I don’t have withdrawal from nicotine, which is absorbed through the lip, but withdrawal from cigarettes, yes, I didn’t quit smoking, my advice, put a tea bag under your lip, Suck on candy or chewing gum, thinking that this is snus, you can buy special chewing gum in a pharmacy intended for smokers, it contains nicotine, or replace one addiction with another, start smoking or vaping
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