Why am I keeping my ex boyfriend?


 Karina Ogan
Why am I keeping my ex boyfriend?
The situation is this: met with a guy for 6 months. We broke up 2 times because he was a gamer, and I returned him today. He gave me a trial period, he said that he loves me, but he no longer trusts me, allegedly I hurt him. I understand that our relationship is already almost dead, but I tried and still try to revive them. He shouted at me, angry, when the topic came up about the game or about me .. Guys run after me, all the time. I do not suffer from a lack of attention, I just got attached to him and sit in a puddle. Everyone tells him to quit, his parents don't like him, his girlfriends don't like him either, but I keep him. He is a former drug addict (snus, nasvay). I don't even know why I keep it. I am either so attached, or I don’t know .. I understand that some girl has already appeared in his game, a girlfriend, but there is no jealousy. He doesn't particularly like her. Says he doesn't understand my jealousy of the game. Eh .. what to do? Is it to be thrown or what? I kind of hope that everything will work out, but I'm kind of tired .. I want a normal guy. Now a friend with whom we have known for 2 weeks is running after me, supports, calls, is interested, but I’m afraid that after a while he will also open his mask, and there will be horror ... By the way, that ex told me that we won’t return the relationship yet , gave Spanish. term, they say, you left me, you are a traitor, and that it hurts him. But didn't it hurt me when he was in the game all day and was not interested in me at all?


Kate .....
Drop it, my advice to you. Just follow him, you won't regret it.

Himself a player, but not an avid one. I understand the game as a second job. If there is no main one, then this is the main work in everyday life. There is little useful, only stream services. When people work at enterprises, part-time jobs and have enough free time (such work is an extra waste of life) - then it is beneficial for him to watch game reviews, I don’t know why he is so loved (go to twitch and you will understand everything yourself). Especially in quarantine... Another thing is when a person has mania. Zombachel - a glassy look, all the time raves about the object of desires and is not at all interested in anything (the street is open space for him). These are very dangerous, robots.

you want him to be with you, despite the abuse on his part) such people need to be let go

Your Baka
Aren't you tired of all this headache and the game of feelings? For your own sake, drop it and find or wait for the only one who will love you, appreciate, respect you and your feelings, accept you for who you are, be interested in you, and not that's all! =)

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