How to survive a breakup?


 Karina Ogan
How to survive a breakup?
The situation is this: I met a guy for almost half a year (in 2-3 days we should have been half a year). We constantly quarreled with him, but converged. He is addicted to drugs (nasvay/snus), games. How many times I promised to quit, I couldn't. Everyone already told me to leave, and I myself wanted to. He did not pay attention, he appeared on the network 2 times a day. We broke up with him 4 times (fourth last). He calmly let me go all those times. I saw him twice in those 6 months of relationship. Either he is busy, or something else. Now the game. It hurts me, that's all, I lost time .. I don't know, I'm used to it. I don't know how to learn to live without it now. I understand that I have mixed feelings, but for some reason I wanted to leave, but something seemed to stop me, although I understood that nothing good would come of it. I really thought that the relationship would be for a long time, because at first he was good all like that. the only plus was that I was 100% alone with him ... as now I don’t know .. I’m a complete fool. I left him because of his addiction. at first he was rude to me, then with the 3rd parting he became more affectionate, but dependent on the game. I tried to fight drugs, with the game. but he preferred them. he didn't even deny it. said we had a spark. it hurts me.


Are you out of your mind? Why do you need a drug addict ((((Meet a normal guy

I'm going through the same thing right now, so I can't offer advice.

- I am -
So much trash for half a year... You have to run here, don't look back... It's a habit in you. Answer your question - if at this moment in your account there was the amount of money that you can only dream of and the attention / courtship of any guy that is very attractive to you - would you remember who you are writing about ?!))

Samantha Steel
How to get over a breakup WHAT YOU CAN DO Pain needs to be endured. “I lost not just a friend, but a best friend,” says Elaine, whose words were quoted at the beginning of the article. It's normal to grieve for a while after a breakup. A young man named Adam says, "A breakup is always painful, even when you know it's for the best." You may feel just like the Biblical King David. In a difficult period of his life, he wrote: “All night ... I pour my tears on the bed.” Sometimes the best way to leave pain behind is to get through it rather than trying to work around it. Admitting your loss and mourning it is the first step to healing. Connect with people who love you. Admittedly, this may not be easy. “At first I didn’t want to see anyone,” recalls Anna, mentioned earlier. “I needed time to recover and put my thoughts in order.” But gradually Anna realized how important it was to communicate with friends who tried to support her. “Now I’m much better,” she says, “and the breakup doesn’t hurt as much anymore.” Draw your own conclusions. Ask yourself: “Did this experience show that I need to improve in some way? What would be the best thing to do next time? “After a while, I was able to analyze what happened,” says a girl named Marcia. “But it took me time to look at everything rationally, and not emotionally.” Adam, mentioned earlier, says: “It took a year before I came to my senses after the breakup. And it took even longer to learn the lessons. The experience helped me learn a lot about myself, the opposite sex, and relationships in general. Now I'm much better." Pray about what is bothering you. The Bible says that God “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” God does not interfere in the affairs of the heart, but he cares what happens to you. Therefore, pour out your feelings to him in prayer.


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что вреднее из перечисленного что вреднее насвай, снюс или сигареты?
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Зависимость от никотина и прочее
Что лучше жить с родителямии или снимать квартиру?
После снюса болит десна.
Что вреднее: СНЮС, КАЛЬЯН или системы НАГРЕВАНИЯ ТАБАКА?

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