Подскажите что вреднееКак бросить снюс???
Курительный табак либо жевательный?
Почему Канабис (Марихуану) не легализовали в России ?
Будет ли вредно закинуться снюсом на ночь?
Yung StuffFross
How to quickly get rid of nicotine withdrawal?
I must say right away that you need to get rid of snus (something like chewing tobacco) rather than cigarette withdrawal. The fact is that psychologically I am not drawn to it, but it is the withdrawal that worries me, because there is 2-3 times more nicotine in snus than in cigarettes. I threw cigarettes, it was easy, but with snus it doesn’t roll. I throw myself at them for two years without a break, every day, if I don’t throw myself at least once an hour, mom doesn’t cry, at least the vegetable mode starts. I tried to quit - from such sensations I immediately fight off this desire. Is there a way to quit? On dry even to think I will not throw. I will list withdrawal symptoms: very strong irritability, severe drowsiness, but it is impossible to fall asleep, insomnia, the strongest constipation that you can think of, complete lack of appetite, severe nausea when eating, feeling cold in the body, even covering yourself with blankets does not help, stiffness in movements , so much so that you can barely move, absent-mindedness is generally a separate issue, at work you mow specifically. To this all is added something like a strong depression and a desire to throw in. Someone might think that I described the symptoms of withdrawal from hard drugs, but no, the way it is, nicotine can do the same things when using huge doses.
Zhanna Gavrilova
get another break
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Salt nicotine try
Lara Kris
How many times a day do you use these pads? What dose did you start with initially? As for cigarettes, you didn't quit, you only changed the way nicotine enters your body.
Хочу бросить курить. чем заменить для начала снафом или снюсом?