I contacted a bad company. What to do?


 I ❤ Boxer
I contacted a bad company. What to do?
Good afternoon everyone, I am 16 years old, I contacted a bad company. We have all known each other since early childhood, we even went to kindergarten together. About two years ago, we all began to communicate well, no one drank, did not smoke, and was not an ordinary village cattle. Some time later, one guy started smoking and drinking. I did not pay attention to this, since the choice of each person and at that time he seemed to me a good friend with whom you can sit at the table and talk heart to heart and on various topics. He invited me to go to boxing and we started training. Unfortunately, after 3 months the hall was closed due to insufficient financial support, there was no money to pay for electricity, heating and water. I went to study at another gym, and he decided to quit everything, because there was no desire. After that, I began to think that he was no longer such a friend ... As it turned out, he began to throw snus, nasvay, even steal and sell goods for cigarettes, stole booze from stores. He decided to quit all this, promising that he would take care of himself. Of course, at first he had horizontal bars, push-ups, in general OFP. And he began to call everyone pi * dabolami, because no one keeps his word, they promise, but do not fulfill. And I caught my comrade himself in such cases, also promised, but did not fulfill, and constantly merged with responsibility. Our company found out about this, about this person, and they accepted him as he is, and began to walk under him, that is, what he says, they do. I decided to go out, gained confidence, and began to move away from them. Of course, I heard that I was watered behind my back, that I was bad, that I was impudent, that I was an ordinary coward who did not go to steal with him, and so on. What could it be? How to ignore it? I'm just ahead of them, right?


Light Yagami
Given that you are a 40-year-old troll, you can be imprisoned for pedophilia for being friends with 16-year-olds)

Foxy boy
Answer for yourself. They don’t owe you anything, but you expect something from them and take promises. Out of courtesy, they give so as not to offend you. And then you're not much better. And in no way are you "ahead" of them.

Sports power, booze drugs - the grave, choose your path.

ar two
Congratulations, you are not a sheep. And the fact that they water you - it means you are on the right track, ahead of the rest). Don't worry, you'll dance on his grave).


Dmitry Strelnikov
Companies don't last forever. They then gradually dissolve in general after 20. You can not pay attention to it at all. Find a better girl and be friends with her. And so they dissolve the company.

Nonna Budilovskaya
run away from them before it's too late and did not use it yourself. And they laugh naturally, because it is much more difficult to live correctly.

mishka 87
get out of it

You are a normal guy. Don't fall for all their husks. If in your opinion they are nonsense, let them go looking for acquaintances.

Martha Greif
Yes, you are definitely above and ahead! Moreover, it seemed that he “hooked” them on all these snus, since they obey him so much. So run away from them. Ignore everything they say there. As the saying goes: "If you talk about me behind my back, then I'm ahead of you!" That's how it is here!

You are still human! and those who use even light nacrota are no longer people ..! you feel it.!, and they, wanting to be people. they hate you and already ..! Here comes the bullying! you are psychologically balanced. and they are no more. they do not understand and do not want to understand even in terms of pleasure - where it is artificial and low, and where it is natural and sublime ..! Petty methods are called human weaknesses, and the rest is bestiality ..! And low-intellectual bestiality draws to itself and wants to be a group .. -A herd! and you. how would you get out, into the shepherds.!, -and it’s not enough for them ..!

Yes, it is difficult. You are right, they are weaklings. Once my friends did not take my father to steal, they decided Sasha is good, well, he is. Dad became a good man, and the whole company went to jail. Hold on. It would be better for you to move or go to another school.

find others

Ivan Ivanov
The usual story .... Keep aside - life is ahead, you will fall for all sorts of stupid insults and persuasion - life is derailed. Your choice....


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