Psychological addiction to smoking...


 Ded@ M@gic
Psychological addiction to smoking...
In short, once again I decided to quit smoking, or rather, now to vape. But this time there is a reason, the ligaments began to close poorly when singing, a hoarseness appeared, I can’t take the upper notes. In general, I can endure physical dependence (based on past experience) "breaking" ceases after 4-5 days. But what remains is the psychological desire to smoke, how to overcome it? An easy way to quit smoking and tabex as well as a spray with nicotine (patches, chewing gum, snus), please do not advise. It is unlikely that of course someone will give good advice, but you might be lucky ....


☑️Uzair Shurazi☑️
... figure it out, find me and teach me!

Li Shen
You can't quit smoking. You can only stop. Wait for the first sore throat (smoking with sore throat is disgusting), you will get sick for a week, and then do not drink much. that's all.

lobotomy was banned, so there are no techniques that affect desires, but this is not scary, the psyche is controlled by the will, you have a lot of desires that you will never fulfill, include sucking a plastic cigar there

Vector Intellect
it’s different for everyone ... who helps to distract - who starts to gnaw seeds, who candy without sugar, chew gum (although they are strictly recommended only after eating, otherwise you can chew an ulcer on an empty stomach) ... in short, to the mouth was sometimes "busy" ... it is best to slowly eat some kind of fruit or vegetable ... and it is useful and distracting ... sometimes it is advised in moments of sharp cravings ... even take a cigarette in your mouth without lighting it, just hold it a few seconds and quit... look on the Internet for tips on how to quit better and faster

The most important thing is motivation, you must clearly formulate it for yourself. Why do you want to quit smoking.

you can try to put notches on something wooden every non-smoking day and look at it as often as you want to smoke, consider it your achievement! a clear demonstration of how much has already been lived without nicotine

vladimir aganisyan
Get rid of STUNNING first - then the bad habit will disappear by itself

Try this. When you feel like smoking, take a few calm deep breaths and exhalations. And think about how good it is to inhale fresh air, not smoke.

Hello, this is solar wind
I have never smoked, not one puff in my entire life. so I write from theory. craving for smoking is a craving for an altered state of consciousness. in the normal state, something is missing. free time and a pure mind create discomfort for the mind - it needs to absorb anything, but only fill the gap. the reason is greed (consumption) and ignorance (inability to contemplate pure consciousness). This is what needs to be worked on first. but another question - why would you quit smoking? who wants it and why? who resists? who is fighting whom? can you continue to smoke, stone up to a small overdose, so that the greedy animal suffocates from its greed? )) All addicts feel discomfort in the body. Why? what is missing? something else is needed. it's a consumption program from TV propaganda. getting rid of it is not easy, this hypnosis continues every day and will continue. advertising will always say that you are missing more and more. thirst must be filled with substances. subconsciously everyone understands that they are being manipulated like puppets. all you need is money, and you yourself will smoke, but not to death, because you have to buy cigarettes as far as possible. therefore, medicine will treat you so that you do not lean back. good luck with this fight. first figure out who is fighting with whom and for what


Я начал пить энергетики умру ли я?
Вред снюса для человека
Что вы думаете о снюсе (жевательный табак)?
что вреднее из перечисленного что вреднее насвай, снюс или сигареты?
Что делать, если не вставляет снюс, а бросать не хочется

Кто знает как бороться с этим?
Зачем в россии запретили продажу снюса. И когда снова его начнут продавать если кто знает?
Бросил никотин, появился дискомфорт в сердце
Как не спалиться со снюсом ?

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