Тест на наркотикикак бросить насвай?
Мешки под глазами с детства, как избавиться
Что будет если кинул снюс под губу а там была краска
Как бросить употреблять снюс?
Anton Konorew
My girlfriend smokes.
Recently I found electronic cigarettes, vape, snus from a girl. These things fell out of her pocket. When I talked to her about it, she didn't deny it. She admitted that she had been smoking for a year. Why did she hide this from me? Why did she start smoking? He also drinks energy drinks (alcoholic) and says "Calm down, it's okay." I think the opposite. What is normal about this? It's also bad for health. What should I do? How to dissuade her from doing this? Do you think she didn't get into drugs?
Alexander Dunaysky
Smoke weed with her
bad boy
my girlfriend smokes a pipe
Denatured Cahors
Break up with her.
Artificial intelligence
fuck off the lying creature
batty tormentor
Kill her parents.
Well, you see, she also takes a lot of other things in her mouth - in addition to cigarettes and drinks
Roman K
Well, at least don't swear..
Well, as it were ... at least not cigarettes, although snus is kapets ...
I think leave this fool and look for a normal girl...
That's how she gets off drugs.
cat Agate
It's bad all together. . He speaks of some kind of persistent disappointment in life, fatigue and despair. Gave her more attention, talk more. If possible, take a vacation with her and take her somewhere away from her usual surroundings.
Sergei Parkhachev
Make a 180º turn and finish with it. This is an example when your personal pleasures are in the foreground, and you will always be with her as some kind of addition. This is not a girl, this is one who has already gone through a lot in her life, which would not have to go through .... And she won’t consider it abnormal to lie down with another ... But she won’t tell you ... Lying to the marrow of her bones ... Who will she give birth to? Down and cerebral palsy?
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