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How to stop using snus?
At first I used a little, 20-30 mg, 1 packet (pack) per week. Now I started eating 5 packs a week, stupidly sucking it out until it stops puffing. Now I'm sitting and finishing the last pack, writing under snus. I want to finish everything on this puck. I'm switching to 1.5mg nicotine vape liquid, but I still want snus. Are there options to quickly and without "breaking" score on this?
Give all the money to mom
No. For if you want to finish, then you have to "break", there are no other ways. But many lack willpower. And I don't think you will be an exception. Therefore, go to the durka on a voluntary basis for a couple of weeks. Oh, it will wind you there, I sympathize. But if he started using it, then he is to blame.
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It all depends on your lifestyle. If nothing interesting happens in your life, you are looking for a way to catch peace. At first, you have to force yourself to do something, change your life so that you like what you are doing. Then you will think less about it. Of course, you can vape, but you want to quit, right? Of the medicines for smoking, tabex helped me, in your case it will probably help too. Ideally, you need to isolate yourself somewhere in a good, calm place, preferably at a recreation center. Just swim, sleep, relax without this garbage. It’s hard to say how you want to live on, which makes it even harder to give normal advice.
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