Что меньше причинит вред здоровью?Вреден ли фруктовый снюс, по типу Hype и Nesnus и можно по подробней о данном виде снюса
Чем вреден снюс?
Что будет если кинул снюс под губу а там была краска
От снюса опухла губа
Andrey Kislitsin
Sushnyak after snus
I used snus for a long time. After it, I was very thirsty, it has already become commonplace for me to always take a bottle of water with me. But I quit snus more than a year ago, and the constant thirst has not gone anywhere. I drink about 5 liters of water a day, if not more. I wake up at night to drink. What to do?
Jamila Sharifova
Don't touch that crap again. But 5 liters of water is too much. It is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach to go to check the blood for sugar - God forbid, diabetes has gotten. But with him - people live! The main thing is to catch on time.
By itself, snus causes irreparable harm to the body, imbalance is disturbed and poisoning occurs, it also has a negative effect on the body. And the negative effect is due to the action of more than 20 carcinogenic compounds contained in snus: radioactive polonium, nickel, nitrosamine, etc. The heart, stomach, intestines, oral cavity suffer from use, the reproductive function of the body, figuratively speaking, it is the poison that causes harm. God forbid all the functions of the body will be restored and it is still unknown how it will all end. At the moment you have intoxication and it can last for a long time.
Jenny Codes
Sounds like symptoms of diabetes. Thirst!
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