Хочу бросить курить. чем заменить для начала снафом или снюсом?Если употреблять снюс непостоянно (раз в неделю) а потом бросить будут ли последствия?
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Запрещён ли снюс в России ?
снюс табачное изделие
Emir Babaev
Snus for non-smokers.
Good day! For 20 years I have never used tobacco in any of its varieties. A colleague at work recently suggested I try snus (I hadn't heard of it before). To be honest, I liked the relaxing effect of it, but I didn’t want to continue using it for obvious reasons - addiction and harm to the body. I read about him in many sources, everywhere different information. In many sites it is written how harmful it is, etc., etc., it is alarming that these are sites of clinics offering services in treatment and I didn’t particularly want to trust these resources. Other resources, such as Wiki, have slightly different information, saying that there is more nicotine, but less harmful than tobacco, and there is no scientific evidence of its harmful consequences. But the essence of the question is different: how harmful is snus for people who have never used tobacco? I would like to hear an answer from those who know, use, and even better, throw an article, preferably scientific (unfortunately I did not find one). Thank you.
Rosefer Normal
I have not used it myself, but I am familiar with a huge number of people who will use it. All of them complained of burning in the lips and drank water very often. There is also a constant need to spit saliva. Well, a person who has not smoked before can feel dizzy and even pass out. I do NOT recommend.
In humans, the body is designed in such a way that sometimes it lacks a little buzz. As they say, the nervous system must be periodically relaxed. It is from the nerves that all diseases begin. Therefore, one can argue about the dangers and benefits of snus. It is not a fact that if you use this chewing tobacco for relaxation, a person will immediately develop some concomitant, serious disease, as doctors like to say. In small doses, it is even useful. Therefore, the main thing is not to overdo it and there will be no harm from snus. And you can try different flavors of chewing tobacco here https://alcobacco.ru/snus/. No one says that it is necessary to chew it every day. You can, like alcohol, on holidays).
Снюс без табака