Что такое СНЮС, и стоит ли его "кидать"?как заставить друга бросить курить?
Пожалуйста подскажите, чем вреден снюс и лучше ли он сигарет
Вреден ли Снюс?
За сколько примерно выветривается никотин?
Why in Russia they want to ban all alternatives to smoking and idiots who yell about the dangers of passive smoking
Are they contributing to this? Snus was banned, because it is a smokeless form of obtaining nicotine, respectively, the whiner, who is more killed by the smoker's smoke than the smoker himself, gets a chance to kill again stronger than the smoker. It is not necessary to write only that it is a drug and so on. d, something tobacco has not yet been classified as a drug, to call it a drug and invent all sorts of stories about lip cancer, etc., an ordinary smoker has exactly the same opportunity to get lip cancer, and also cancer of the lungs and esophagus. In fact, these idiots only contribute to tobacco companies and the state, because the state does not have a feeble interest on excise taxes
Yanina K
Do you know how many kids in my city died from snus? Their heart could not stand it, and everything went to rest. There they are dear
Grandfather Pavel
The right course, it's a pity that they take it too late.
Mila Feduk
banned because bringing tobacco to a tragedy is dangerous
Снюс без табака