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Dmitry Romanovich
How to quit snus?
Hello, I use snus and the question arose of how to tie it up, otherwise the effect is tired, but there is an addiction. I understood the meaninglessness of the effect, there is no buzz as such, only harm to health, this is about all nicotine products, but I have earned an addiction, it becomes bad when I don’t use snus
Heilo Muilo
Take snus, throw it out the window. Better yet, go outside, find a wheelbarrow of cops and throw it out the open window. Good luck!
Nadejda Blagodarnaya
Difficult, seek professional help.
Holding snus under the lip causes cancer of the palate, causes damage to the mucous membrane as a result of resorption of tobacco under the lip, and an increased chance of developing cancer of the stomach, prostate and intestines;; bad breath, which is very difficult to kill with anything; degradation of the oral muscles, which can lead to tooth loss; a disease of various internal organs, a special blow falls on the heart and vascular system. Everything is in your hands, choose either cancer or life !!
Marina Andreeva
You need to find a higher taste for life, then everything will happen by itself. You can go and live in a monastery, it’s easier to get laid there.
Почему так все ругают снюс если он менее вреден чем сигареты