Закинул снюс альфа 60 мл все тело замёрзли застыло, потемнело в глазах.как бросить кидать снюс?
Общее состояние здоровья
Стоит ли бросать снюс
Что то случилось с губами
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The fact is that our body produces nicotine on its own.
as one of the hormones. And when we start to inject it from the outside, the body thinks "well, ok, then I won't produce it." As a result, when you quit smoking, you begin to break down on this buzz, although you didn’t have it before, because you yourself developed it in yourself. And in general, nicotine from cigarettes does nothing special, except lowers the immune system, so it is easier to get sick with any sore, and in general, health becomes frail. What about snus?
the glory of the villagers
Well, all of the above is correct. and snus is the same nicotine, less harm than from a cigarette (minus tar), but the addiction is the same
Rita Fort
I quit smoking, it's hard
Как бросить снюс ?