They want to kick me out of school for absenteeism.


 Amira Lisgardh
They want to kick me out of school for absenteeism.
The situation is this, I am eighteen years old and I have 1.5 / 3 absenteeism in three months. I fully admit my guilt and correct the debts. Today the director called me into his office for a talk. Together with the director there was a social pedagogue. I am studying in this educational institution for the second year, throughout the tenth grade the social teacher slandered me, calling me names in the presence of the principal, creating a psychological crush. Also today, a social teacher attributed to me that while I was away, everything was excellent at school, when I started attending, they started catching children by the hand with nasvay and snus, considering me a huckster, I turned out my pockets, took everything out of my backpack and convinced them that I was right . There were no more questions, but they continued to suspect. I smoke, no more, and I don’t hide it, in the summer I worked at Red and White and many teachers know about it, I have little life experience, I don’t understand such zealous accusations. The social educator turns many teachers against me, accusing me of being an obscura, but that's stupid, don't you think? Arriving at the director's office today, he told me that they would expel me, since there was no certification in all subjects, he said that I should come to school with my mother tomorrow and we would consider options for transferring to college, but I'm not damned eager. I lost two years. I perfectly understand my position and repent of my deed, this is the last week of school. I want to study during the holidays, I want to be certified. Do you think they can kick me out for absenteeism and non-certification? After reading a couple of forums, I found out what exactly these things are possible for, but this is not accurate. I have to bring losses to the school, interfere with the educational process, etc. I hope for your help. Thanks in advance.


Damir Ivanov
Nah uy you went to 10th grade

Viktor Randomov
When can a student be expelled from school? ↑ Early expulsion from school is possible only on the grounds listed in Article 61 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation": At the initiative of the student or his parents, for example, when transferring to another school. At the initiative of the school, in case of applying to a student who has reached the age of fifteen, deductions as a measure of disciplinary action In the event of a violation of the procedure for admission to an educational organization, which caused, through the fault of the student, his illegal enrollment in an educational organization By circumstances beyond the control of the student or parents (legal representatives) of a minor student and an organization carrying out educational activities, including in the event of liquidation of an organization carrying out educational activities. Under no circumstances can they be expelled from school↑ - students under the age of 15 and students with disabilities - the school (gymnasium, etc.) can apply any punishment to them, with the exception of expulsion. - students with mental retardation and various forms of mental retardation - disciplinary measures are not applied to them at all.

I am Ira!
Sitting on two chairs will NOT work! Or stop smoking and infect others with it, plus a complete correction and study for ten, or ...

Anatoly Kalyuzhny
They can, they can. Whether it's legal, I don't know. But I think it will.


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Юристы, вопрос вам.
Вред (вопрос внутри)

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