Диспансеризация в школе. Никотин. Табачные изделия.Частое употребление снюса
Резонно ли употреблять никатин во время набора мышечной массы/сушки?
Какой снюс вреднее табачный или бестабачный
Вред от снюса
Kirill Gaivoronsky
Does nicotine use affect weight gain?
Hello, I stopped using nicotine half a year ago (cigarettes, snus, hookahs and everything else containing it), now I started throwing snus out of boredom and then I thought about whether nicotine use affects weight gain, tell me who understands I will be grateful
Does not affect. Alcohol affects.
Lee Sheng Yetz
If you don’t eat it with spoons, then it doesn’t affect)
Albert Harman
nicotine burns muscle mass, and alcohol fat. Therefore, in order to gain weight, you need to give up both)) But I could not =)
Ah vobshchem the nicatin reduces appetite. therefore, when you ask, you eat more and, in addition, the feeling of hunger caused by withdrawal also gets stuck. what is snus?
larysa lymar
it’s just that all smoking narrows the blood vessels, from which less oxygen enters the body, from which more energy is lost from a person, from which he loses weight
Можно ли попробовать снюс без образования привычки?