Что хуже сигареты или снюс??Не встаёт половой орган
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что вреднее из перечисленного что вреднее насвай, снюс или сигареты?
Вред от снюса
Anonymous Anonymous
How harmful is snus and vaping.
Snus is different - sometimes it's 100 mg / g of nicotine, sometimes 9, I have a negative attitude towards smoking. And snus is not smoked (it is NOT considered a drug). In vapes, you can adjust the supply of nicotine and whether a vape is generally harmful (even without nicotine).
Snus is a drug if anything
David Keller
Snus is not a drug)) And to be precise, it's like a sedative, well, you can call it a drug, because it causes a person to become addicted to this substance. I myself am 16 and I also tried this batwa, from different manufacturers, only the more you use it, the more difficult it is to quit with these. If you try to quit, you will go into withdrawal and you will want to come back again and again to saturate yourself with nicotine. It's good that I have willpower, and I could easily say goodbye to this garbage) I do not advise using harmful substances
Как бросить снюс ?