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Hemoglobin and smoking
I quit smoking at the end of August, switched to snus and the system. I didn't get much nicotine as before. Dropped it slowly. Now donated blood. Showed 70 hemoglobin (2 times lower than normal). And slightly lower platelets. Is it normal that hemoglobin flopped after it began to lower the level of daily incoming nicotine in the blood?
Tobacco has nothing to do with it. Urgently see a doctor, very low level
Don Fabio
The reasons for the increase in hemoglobin levels in smokers lie in the composition of cigarettes. There's a chemical in there called carbon monoxide. After it comes into contact with hemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin molecules are formed. Trying to make up for the lack of normal hemoglobin, the body increases its production. Therefore, smokers have significantly higher hemoglobin levels than non-smokers. The more a person smokes cigarettes, the higher this indicator in the blood will be.
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