Как вейп может помочь бросить курить?Что вреднее снюс или сигареты!?
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Vitya vavyaiv
how to get a friend to quit smoking?
in general, it was like this, I was 13 years old and my friend also, I started smoking because of my parents who constantly swear (they were divorced) and I tell him this, will you? and he come on, so we started smoking, smoked for a year, and I smoked in puffs, but he didn’t, then they taught him, and he began to be addicted. She smokes right now and doesn't want to quit. He is 14 and so am I. uses snuff, snus, drinks (rarely) and smokes a lot, how can I help him quit?
live together
Scare him to death.
All the same to him one, two, he will not understand three
go to the hospital and see patients with nicotine legs
don't don
until he himself wants to sincerely quit, it’s not like
Sergei Zhirnov
Earn lung cancer, he will quit.
вкÑпппп Ñалов
of course, yes, until he wants to, he has little chance, maybe he will break down, but this tool helped my friend, I can recommend teaser_id}
Alexander Shevelchinsky
Find clothes that you don't really need, it's better to wear a hoodie, and the consequences on it are like on a second skin
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