Что вреднее для организма?ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ от никотина
Что лучше жить с родителямии или снимать квартиру?
После снюса болит десна.
Что такое солевой снюс?
Crushing head after taking snus
Hello, I’m 16 years old, I threw snus for a week, after which I suddenly started to press my head all the time, when I go out into the street I feel an unclear head, I can’t hear and perceive the world after I went outside, more than 5-6 days have passed since I pressed my head like this and presses, not for a second alone can not leave, please help, what could it be? It's just very frightening that this has been going on for 5-6 days and does not let go. How to treat it? thank you in advance
Dima Shturm
So you realized .. that even you are mortal
Alas, but debilizm is not treated
Tatyana Goryacheva
What did you want? I knew it was harmful. Convinced? Go to the doctor.
Что меньше причинит вред здоровью?