Quitting nicotine products


 Dima Romanovich
Quitting nicotine products
Used almost all types of nicotine products on a regular basis (snus, cigarettes, electronic cigarette with salt nicotine, regular electronic cigarette with nicotine) I decided to quit because a relative who smoked and used snus recently died, I don’t want to repeat his fate, I don’t use anything for 2 days I feel very heaviness and think only about nicotine, I decided to go jogging, it doesn’t help, as soon as I forget to see a person with a cigarette and withdrawal starts right away, the question is how to weaken the withdrawal?


Will weaken over time

your brain is broken

Valentina Ignatova
no way, and so it will be for another two years. must endure.

Anna Heavenly
be patient, you must

Eliminate coffee and carbonated drinks - they provoke the desire to smoke. If there is no way without coffee, replace it with chicory. Eat as much dairy products as possible - they cause an aversion to tobacco smoke. Eat plenty of corn and sweet peppers - these are the so-called "nicotine" foods.

Don't listen to smart people. The break just needs to be overcome. Force yourself. There is no easy way here, you need to fight, and everything will work out inapplicably. The most difficult periods are the first three days, then the first two weeks, and then it's easier.

Linevich Nikolay
It’s hard to quit just like that, because the habit is tied to the repetition of not only certain actions, but also to a place and to some kind of action, a break, a meal, a company. It was very easy for me to quit immediately after the demobilization, try a sanatorium, and don’t let the slack in front of smokers, they will envy inside and slack in front of themselves when they are drunk.

snowflake winter
Well done .. I already experienced it .. at first I just stood next to the smoker .. to sniff ... but the main thing is the head .. to switch attention to something, when you want to smoke wildly, drink something from sedatives .. like motherwort or valerian.. More pure pejvoda.. it will help you get rid of nicotine faster.. and most importantly.. you have made a decision. This is already 90% success ... this nervousness will pass .. my friend threw it .. after a couple of weeks, he stupidly made a hole in the door with his fist)))) because "I got it" It's nerves .. then you will remember and not understand how you lived with cigarettes .. look for something to do instead of them .. read, go, just learn counting, you can stand next to a smoker once ... Go outside and make smoking movements and breaths .. and instead of a cigarette - a pencil .. helped me)) 5 years without nicotine!!! Good luck.. and support! Well done!!! pencil "smoked" for several days .. do not think that all five years)))

as soon as you feel heaviness and coughing and all that, perhaps quit. I smoke flavored and when inhaling it is already cool. I understand, but nevertheless I chose the lesser of two evils - I smoke not thermonuclear. Personally, I'm going to quit smoking when I smoke. it's not a call. and if that I did not write anything. Good health and cow's milk to you :)


Расскажите про снюс, насколько вреден? Что будет если употреблять
Люди добрые помогите
Лёгкая атлетика и снюс.
Попробовал снюс. Тошнит.
Самодельный никотиновый пластырь

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