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What to do if you can't put up with a guy's bad habits?
He quit smoking and throwing snus for a month. And then he said to me, “Won’t you be offended if I buy it?” and as a result, he simply cannot wake up and go to bed without nicotine !! And we quarrel on this basis, like I f*ck his brain. And for example, I want him to take care of his health, we also have children in the future .... and what should I do if this is important for me?
Don't like it - drop it
steal on the sly and flush down the toilet
Do not even think of having children from him in the future. And anyway, you must be breaking up soon. Or do you like that he doesn't give a damn about you?
Irina Irinina
ideally, it would be good to understand the reason and work with thinking (this is what I assume), probably already 90 percent of success, the rest are technical details, but in practice, what I did, for example))) just kept myself afloat, this is already a little better, than drown both) the method, by the way, works)
quitting is not easy, not quite realistic in a week. just give up and be patient. you need to talk to him so that he is all aware that nicotine reduces his chances in this world, the chances of life .. it's just dangerous. Plus, you also have an increased risk of getting sick with something like a passive smoker. the path respects man and mankind.
You can't put up with it, so you're trying to change it... If you try to change it, then you don't accept it the way it is... If you don't accept it the way it is, then you don't love it... You don't love it... it means it doesn't suit you...
Russell Crowe =)
Do not listen to advisers here who advise quitting. This is generally some kind of nonsense. That is, according to this logic, there is no need to solve problems at all. You need to quit right away! Fucking advice. They will advise you here, they will ruin your life. Explain to him normally, without panic, in a calm atmosphere, what and why.
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