Диспансеризация в школе. Никотин. Табачные изделия.Можно ли пожилым снюс?
Без никотина болит голова
Вредна ли система нагревания табака, вейп, снюс и т. д.?
Как лучше бросать снюс?
Odpori Ploloo
Bronchial asthma is very scary to die
I threw snus for about a month, I decided to quit, it’s very bad for me, it itches in my chest, it’s hard to breathe in, but I’m suffocating, then it goes away, then again, but in the morning it’s really strong, I’m very scared to die, panic attacks, I know that I’m a fool, but what should I do now? I am being treated, yes, but suddenly I will die
see a toxicologist
Drink more clean water and do Buteyko exercises. This is all.
Спорт и вредные привычки.