Снюс без табакаНе встаёт половой орган
Вред бестабачного снюса
Вопрос про никотин
Что думаете об снюсе?
Sasha Ivanov
Is there an intolerance to nicotine, electronic cigarettes?
Well, supposedly it becomes bad, from how much they smoked. Or am I screwing myself? I threw snus (chewing tobacco) for 10 seconds and started vomiting for 2 days. I smoked an electronic cigarette all day and threw a fever
Alexey Blinov
Madamiy Gritsatsuev))
I have a puppy who is allergic to red food! She cannot eat red tomatoes; she deliberately plants yellow and even white ones. It also grows yellow raspberries, yellow plums, white strawberries. Instead of carrots, he puts parsley root in the soup. Apples and pears are only green or yellow. Citrus fruits, kiwi, honey, pineapple do not eat at all. And you say - nonsense)) there is an allergy even to the fact that acacia, elder or linden has blossomed. People sneeze and cough. And what are the letters to the city executive committee with demands to cut down poplar alleys so that fluff does not fly through the windows!!! The fact that you feel sick from nicotine indicates that you have a weak heart. At the expense of snus - it can be saturated with synthetics, including alkali, which irritates the mucous membranes. Regular users of snus and nasvaya have a whole sick mucous membrane from chemical burns, they no longer feel how they are baking, and you are a beginner, so you vomited. It's better not to do this, you smoke - and bad habits will be enough for you. try a little, otherwise your heart will not stand it. I know what I'm talking about Drink more fluids (not coffee!) You probably have thickened blood. By the way, it would not hurt to do a cardiogram and a blood test. And I was thrown into a fever from nicotine getting into the brain, as well as from the fact that a large amount of glycerin with steam got into the lungs, preventing the access of fresh oxygen (this increased the nicotine effect)
Закинул снюс альфа 60 мл все тело замёрзли застыло, потемнело в глазах.