Which is more harmful snus or cigarettes?


 Ivan Ivanovich
Which is more harmful snus or cigarettes?
I'm 16. I recently started using snus (corvus blue - 32mg), before that I sometimes smoked cigarettes. I often have high blood pressure, it reached 160 to 60 (although it was only a couple of times in my life, sort of), and in general, hypertension (constant high blood pressure). So, can I throw snus without harm to my health!? And how many times a day is desirable!? 1 sachet is enough for 2 times or more!? Or better 2 sachets per day 2 times!? Is it true that snus can cause gum recession (they will expose the roots of the teeth), and exacerbate the caries that I already have!? And what is better snus or natural, pure tobacco in cigars (Cuban, Dominican - these cost 1k rubles for 1 piece)?! What do you advise!?


Yes, all this shit is harmful For 20 years you consume and will not stand

Personal account Deleted
Of course, it’s better to quit this business before it’s too late, man, but I’ll answer the question, I think it’s more harmful than cigarettes, because in fact only smoke brings harm

rather, snus is more harmful - it kills teeth at a time (it seems to me)

And you can't smoke anything

Ooooh wow
Ladies, kupm's advice is better top vape and don't worry

snus, strictly speaking, is more dangerous due to carcinogens, which more effectively and quickly affect the oral mucosa than cigarettes

What about your weight?

I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks the word "snus" is disgusting?)

Sergey Koldyrin
Both snus and sigrvkt are bad, but if you regard it as a direct product of delivering nicotine to the body, then it is more harmful than cigarettes.

Black magician
Snus can make you really sick, whitefish are better

Amazing Black Cat®
Both are equally harmful. Everywhere chemistry that does not carry anything good.

Sguid Physisc


Julia Kotova
I think cigarettes are worse

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
Those who smoke or throw up are losers.

Mara Eliseeva
Snus. my friends threw them at me

Yana G

I don’t know about the consequences of snus, but if you are really afraid for your health, then the right decision would be to quit snus. Because eventually something bad will happen to your body. I myself throw, but I plan to quit this shit and never remember it again. There is alkali in snus as far as I know, and it corrodes the gums, the consequences are not known to me, but I think that in the end everything will be very deplorable. Throw brother, I'm with you)

Ilya Valuev
Yes, drop this bullshit. Himself, probably, it is unpleasant that all the time with shit in his mouth

Zhenya Umnik
Come on, that's not cool! Now it's fashionable to be an athlete, not a smoker! And girls like athletes!

change your mind

Quit smoking, switch to methadone

Tatyana Ushakova
Both are bad for you.

L e x Pr
both are harmful

you have 2 lungs 1 left smoke whatever you want

Mistress of the Quiet!
It's best not to use either!

Markov Alexander
snus of course teeth cunt

Alexander Schwartz
And this and that

Ludmila Puchko
damn at 16, what are you !!! why do you need it? drop all this shit, the more problems you have with pressure

cbcvb bcvbcv Ostapenko
Everything is bad in general

red gray
everything is harmful

アップル M2 ウルトラ
Do you start it yourself or look at your friends? How many times I asked about this bucket, they say that my friends threw it, so I decided to try ...

Bracus Krughoor
Snus has more nicotine

Both are very harmful.

crap rare)

Jan Dudyuk

Lada Uglova
Both are bad.

Cigarettes have been tested for centuries, but what is it ... then we'll find out!

KASMANAFD on matacycle
better sniff snus mumrik

Zubenko Mikhail Petrovich
If you have asthma, then cigarettes, and if you have lip cancer, then snus. Fuck what's more harmful - both snus and whitefish have a detrimental effect on your body. Just think why do you smoke? If you want to prove something to someone, then it's stupid. Just understand, you become addicted to nicotine, you yourself smoked for 12 years, did not believe that you were addicted, but no, I was wrong, I barely quit, I even had withdrawal symptoms. My first year of smoking not only quickly, imperceptibly flew by, then the third, the third, and so on for 12 years ... Try to hold out at least 2 weeks without nicotine, it will be very difficult. Bro, better quit, and if friends smoke, it's their business, their health, you live with nicotine addiction...

Snus, because it is a moistened type of tobacco. Although, all this is the same, but my opinion is that snus. Because it kindles everything in the mouth, and this process of "suicide" is much faster than just smoking whitefish.

Well, smoking is generally harmful, although I am a smoker. But you know.... I'll tell you a terrible secret.... only to anyone, sssss: They say that people die from life too. I think that after Chernobyl I have already worked out my potential, And of course there is no need to aggravate, but I have my own reasons for that, I don’t want to share with the all-knowing all. But about snus, I want to say the following (and its consequences too): I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!! and here, googled it. hmm... it will be necessary to try. I wonder if his breath stinks? Harder or lighter...

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