Help me! I want to drop out of college


 Maxim Putilov
Help me! I want to drop out of college
I am 16 years old and a 1st year college student. Everything went fine at first! But then thoughts began to come that this is not my profession. I told my parents that I don't like it, but they don't want to listen to me! Then I began to understand that I was studying with almost 50% of this cattle! They calmly throw in the audience (nasvay, snus, thump, smoke, swear, fight) And it’s clear that I have nothing to do in this circle! The rest of the team is so pancake miserable and boring that it is beyond words! I tell them but the crust is not so much needed, it is important what brains you have and how you use them! And I openly tell them that I don’t want to study here, to which they also respond poorly, then you are in the ranks of the janitors! Yes, yes, the old stereotype, no education, no future! Honestly catch, I realized that there is nothing! But parents don't want to listen! They pay for me, but entered the commerce! Not well, you estimate 40 thousand a year !!! For this shit, not only does college look like a hangout for homeless people, but teaching kick-ass how boring it is! I tell my parents, well, let me switch to the budget, why waste money! So they say that this college is so good! In short, help me! Because I feel like I'm just going to drop out of this college! It’s not so interesting, it also takes 6-7 hours a day! Fuck you need it!!!


En Goshger

Andrey Savin
How can I help you? Drop out of college and all. Do as you please

LEGE artis
And you are an angel in the flesh.

Mister Benjamin
Transfer to another college in your 2nd year. Well, as for cattle - yes, it is everywhere, and especially in colleges, because it’s better at a university to study) well, but still get an education - you need it, because education is no matter how required to get a job, and in Russia without the formation of a normal job not at all, either you plow for days for 50 thousand, or you sit for the same amount but in the office

Evil Physicist
it seems there is an option to transfer from the 1st year of the college to the 10th grade of your school for the 2nd half of the year, if the parents are against it, then you can safely tell them: if I don’t transfer from the college, then I won’t go there. maybe it will work) only in college they will hardly want to let you go, because they cash in on you, so after talking with your parents and their positive attitude about this, immediately go to the director or to the teacher of your old school on this issue

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