Хочу бросить курить. чем заменить для начала снафом или снюсом?Снюс (жевательный табак) в самолёте
Резонно ли употреблять никатин во время набора мышечной массы/сушки?
Вопрос про никотин
От снюса опухла губа
ikerge regre
which is more harmful than nasvay, snus or cigarettes?
Feline Arbitrariness!
Viet Ha Vu
ewgeny gasnikov
you yourself wrote: a line of harmfulness (as the harm decreases).
Tatyana Ushakova
Alas .... everything is harmful.
David Keller
Chel all these products contain one substance "NICOTINE". It is addictive in humans, so nicotine is considered a drug. Cigarettes contain a lot of harmful chemicals that are in the smoke. Vapes have almost the same situation, in their pair there is prapelene glycol, when it evaporates, it settles on your lungs, thereby making you a sponge for collecting shit, because of this, as a result, the lungs fail. Snus is essentially soda, salt, nicotine. Have you seen how many milligrams of nicotine are in one puck?) A lot! This dose is enough to calm an elephant, if not a dinosaur. And nasvay, similar in action to snus, they mainly use lime, which is used to paint borders and trees)) they also use tobacco, it seems. And if there is no lime, then they take bird droppings for the base. It also corrodes the lip and burns, only everyone does this in Akhmed's barn in Uzbekistan.
Чем подлечить раздражённую слизистую от приёма снюса