Что хуже сигареты или снюс??Могут у меня найти никотин в организме при проверке анализов??
Без никотина болит голова
Как перестать бросать снюс
Что вреднее: СНЮС, КАЛЬЯН или системы НАГРЕВАНИЯ ТАБАКА?
Arthur Bazhenov
What do you think of snus (chewing tobacco)?
A huge number of studies show that the harm of smoking to a greater extent depends not on nicotine, but on tar and cigarette combustion products, and chewing tobacco, it turns out, is devoid of these shortcomings. But at the same time, it is formally banned in Russia. What is your personal opinion on this? Is snus harmful?
UriaH Heep
harmful .... gastritis from it happens and ulcers worsen ... I personally have heartburn right away ...
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