Расскажите про снюс, насколько вреден? Что будет если употреблятьОт снюса (Lift) 0.8 никатина (2 точки из 4х по крепости) начинает болеть голова
Лёгкая атлетика и снюс.
Попробовал снюс. Тошнит.
Проблемы с потенцией в 18
Vasily Felormenko
What's worse than cigarettes or snus?
Cancer of the fatal cavity from snus, maybe with the same probability as lung cancer from cigarettes? And yes, which is worse?
Angelina Hertz
Cigarettes of course
Adil Chersheev
Snus, it contains a large amount of salt that corrodes the gums and thus nicotine enters the growth cavity and then is absorbed into the blood. In addition, it has sugar, flavors like e15 are very destructive and different additives so that you don’t feel like your body is self-destructing, and you can get stomach cancer in addition
Что такое СНЮС, и стоит ли его "кидать"?