Что вреднее для организма?Моя девушка курит.
Бросил никотин, появился дискомфорт в сердце
Стоит ли бросать снюс
На каком сайте можно купить снюс с доставкой по россии? (Бросаю с ним курить)
Alexander Matrosov
How to make snus (chewing tobacco) from a cigarette?
I recently quit smoking and am temporarily using oden's snus. And in the country there is nowhere to buy one. Tell me what can be done with cigarette tobacco to put it under the lip, like regular snus, as far as I understand, there should be a substance that allows nicotine to penetrate through the mucous into the blood. And you do not need to answer like "just chew!". Thank you.
Maxim Pomoyitsky
Don't know
Vasya Zabrodin
you need soda, boiled water (in no case not from the tap), salt and tobacco (preferably strong), tobacco will come down even for a hookah and cigarette (the main thing is crushed and processed). water (cooled down) adding tobacco and mix everything well. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes and dry (not on the battery and not in the sun). Then you take the tea leaves, cut off the end, pour tea out of it (the tobacco should be approximately the same crushed as in the tea leaves), put the tobacco in there. And the tobacco is not completely dried, but so that it remains slightly moist.
Royal Gopota
for this you need tobacco from a cigarette, salt (a little), soda, and a bag
Kirill Sergeev
Vasya answered correctly, but if you want to do it faster, then take strong tobacco, sea salt, coat soda in the microwave, but grind tobacco for 20-30 seconds. minutes. If there is no glycerin then water
Well, in general, you need alkali, that is, Soda, mix tobacco with yourself in proportions of 30 to 70 ... Add glycerin for 1 cigarette about 1 ml ... All that happiness is what you did when you were in the country)
you can't just buy snus and put it away at the dacha and that's it (I always have snus in my porch)
Ivan Romanov
haha, the children don’t know, but the adults forgot the campaign, I’m just an old stump and found in the union the sale of an excess of tile chewing tobacco, it was stupid in bulk, they simply didn’t take it, but it was in any grocery store, here you have Sweden, I I took it on cruises, let’s say the Swedish garbage didn’t stand next to it, but with perestroika it quietly disappeared and then recently I went into shock, I wanted to find at least a photo, alas, a banana, as it was not in nature, that’s how things are ....
Успеет ли никотин от снюса в организма выйти за эти дни?