Кто знает как бороться с этим?Если употреблять снюс непостоянно (раз в неделю) а потом бросить будут ли последствия?
Неужели многие пацаны в наше время стали баловаться снюсом?
Шишка на слизистой верхней губы
friends, some garbage popped up under the upper lip, it looks like a corn.
I throw snus, who does not know what it is - a type of chewing tobacco, absolutely no harmful thing, maybe snus and rubbed, I throw it under my upper lip. Who had it? When will it pass?
Possibly oncology. You need to go to an oncologist.
Most likely herpes One of the best remedies for herpes is a cream containing antiviral drugs. Apply this cream to your lips five times a day, intermittently (4:00) for 5 days. Do not try to remove the crusts or open the bubbles, otherwise the virus can "capture" the eyes or completely different parts of the skin of the face. Usually the treatment of this disease is carried out at home. However, if the patient develops a fever, you should definitely consult a doctor. A very effective way is cycloferon liniment. Its "positive" is that it is inexpensive, safe and economical: one bottle (or tube) is enough for 25 times the treatment of the labial surface. Another remedy is Cyclofir: take these tablets (0.4 g) every 4:00 for three days. You can try Flucinar ointment. The cure for herpes on the lips. Folk remedies. How to quickly get rid of herpes? Vitamins. If the above remedies do not save you, try the following: buy Valtrex + Vitamin E + Immunal at the pharmacy. Take twice a day (interval - 12 hours). Make a tea compress (with chamomile tea): moisten a tea towel and add it to your lips. Ice will help. If the herpes disease has reached the stage of "bubbles" - ice will help. Wrap an ice cube in a tissue and press it to your lips. Keep the ice on as long as you can, however, take small breaks from time to time to avoid chilling. Zinc solution is also among the remedies for herpes. Dissolve 4 grams of zinc sulfate in cold (boiled) water. Hold this solution for 30 minutes on sore lips.
User deleted
what are you,,, absolutely harmless, funny,
Andrew Borgia
This shit causes cancer
Evgenia Fomina
Looks like a cyst. If this "mazol" changes shape when you touch it. Address to the maxillofacial surgeon (in stomatology). It is not terrible, it is simply unpleasant.
Ivanova Anna
So herpes is generally different, including how it can manifest itself. Therefore, I would also advise you to anoint with something antiviral, viferon, if you are not exactly sure that herpes, this gel is from viruses in principle.
Can you throw snus for herpes?
что вреднее насвай или снюс